Re: "Become" or "Not Become" Interpreting 1Cor 15:45
Thanks to OBW:
The last Adam became a life-giving school spirit.
Sounds funny, but there may be something to it.
We seem to be stuck on "spirit." But Paul may have been using spirit in a generic sense.
Maybe the critical word we should be concentrating on is "life-giving."
The word spirit may not have any deep meaning, nor be a "being" kinda
thing, that Zeek and I have been harping on & wondering about.
In fact, maybe Paul could have just said, the last Adam became a life-giving being, or thing.
However, he did use the Greek word pneuma.
So maybe Zeek and I should be looking in the Greek heritage to find what spirit means. Paul, as most back then, had become Hellenized. Maybe they knew back then what was meant by pneuma.
Plus, we aren't in the loop the Corinthians were in with Paul. Paul visited the Corinthians, and preached to them. So they would have an understanding we aren't afforded by Paul's letter.
That just makes it harder for us. Like Unto said, it requires digging.
But we're never gonna be able to define what spirit is. We just aren't. Not until we are one. The human spirit just don't pull that truck.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.