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Old 07-08-2014, 07:41 AM   #198
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Default Re: "Become" or "Not Become" Interpreting 1Cor 15:45

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Like I said before, if Paul meant "spiritual body" in 15:45 he could have said so. I don't know why he didn't. You haven't explained why he didn't despite my repeated questions, so it's pretty clear that you don't know the answer either.
Of course they don't know what spirit is. Spirit is undefinable. We don't have either the terms to define it, or any reference point, except what we have in the material world ... and that won't do.

We don't even know what a human is. But we can point at one, and say, "that's a human." We can't point at the/a spirit. It's like a wind devil, a little miniature wind spout -- they're cute, I always stop to watch them -- if it weren't pickin' up leaves and such we wouldn't even be able to see it. Try to capture it in a big box, and you won't find it in the box.

And that's a physical event. With the spirit we can't even put flour on the floor to catch its footprints, or spray it with paint (white paint, of course).

And so we try. "The Spirit is a "force," we say ; the Spirit is God working ; the Spirit is the wind, or the breath ; God is Spirit. Hosepipe (of Elden Hall fame) says a spirit is shapeless. That keeps the spirit from being a blob, or a plasma kinda thang. But doesn't define what spirit is.

Our brother Zeek is just being honest. He can't define spirit. He admits that.

Believe me I know how hard it is. From diapers I've heard about the Holy Spirit. And I heard the stories, of how Jesus and Paul were led by the Spirit. I didn't know any better. I was a humble little child (and not inquisitive enough to even ask such a question as 'what is spirit?')

So I realize, after all these years of never asking that question, how hard it is to admit that I don't even know what spirit is.

And everyone that's honest will admit that they don't know either; that they can't define it ... even while shying away from admitting that they don't know. I re-flexed from admitting that.

However, we don't know what electricity is either, but we know how to use it. Is Spirit the same kinda thing? Can we use it?

And here we are, again, face to face with a mystery ... perhaps the mystery of mysteries.

The first Adam became a soul, the last one became a spirit. What is a soul, and what is a spirit, is not for us to know.

Perhaps we'll understand better in the by and by.
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