Originally Posted by UntoHim
Yes, zeek, I find both of these verses extremely puzzling. But 1 Cor 2:10 is not at all relevant to 1 Cor 15:45 because the "Spirit" in the former is not the same "spirit" that is mentioned in the later
Now we're getting somewhere, of sorts. The last Adam spirit is not the same as the Holy Spirit. That's opposite of what Lee said.
So we don't know what the last Adam spirit is, but we now know it's not the Holy Spirit.
Alright UntoHim! Way to go! Kudos!
And I took the jab at me over 2:10. It wasn't a knockout blow. You opened that door by introducing the trinity into this thread. Which you never tied in to the last Adam ... if I'm not mistaken. I'm still dodgin' and weaving. "Sting like a bee."
I admit that 1 Cor. 2:10 doesn't just puzzle me. It blows my mind. A lot of the Bible blows my mind.