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Old 06-30-2014, 05:19 PM   #148
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Default Re: "Become" or "Not Become" Interpreting 1Cor 15:45

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
If it's the Word of God, of course it's gonna be puzzling to the non-God mind. We're too limited as humans, fallen or otherwise. That's why Christendom is so divided.

And I think our bro UntoHim has touched down at the true problem with Witness Lee & 1 Cor. 15:45 ; actually touching down on the crux of Lee & Co.

UntoHim points out: "Lee absolutely believed that the Bible was the Word of God . . .

With the caveat: "it's just that he was not a very sound or accurate interpreter of it."

But I say that, that is what Witness Lee used to scam us. He could get away with everything because he said it was the very Word of God.

I won't go in the history, of failures, of those parading under the premise that the Bible is the Word of God. That's a whole nother subject. I'll just say that it's not the first time this premise has been used to deceive and fleece the sheep.

It's this premise, that every verse in the Bible is the very word of God, that allows the handiwork of chopping the verses into puzzle pieces, reassembling them, and making pictures that otherwise ain't actually in there.

Plus, the use of this premise is what makes people look like they are actually speaking the very Words of God ; The Oracle, The Apostle, The Authority, of God, springs from this premise. It makes for the ever important appearance of divinity at work in front of your very eyes ; a sleight of mind trick, sliding verses around to amaze and arouse wonder; mesmerizing by the very Words of God. (David Koresh was good at pulling this off - he had much of the Bible memorized.)

And that's how Witness Lee pulled off claiming 1 Cor. 15:45 means Jesus is the Holy Spirit. He had us convinced that it's the very Word of God, and most everyone just accepted it, as the very Word of God.

As I see it, Witness Lee is giving those that believe the Bible is the Word of God a bad name. They should be ashamed to be identified with him.

If Witness Lee is an example of what it is to believe the Bible is the Word of God I want no truck with that premise.
I think UntoHim is arguing for a Biblical theology. I suppose that means that the Bible is the absolute truth. Therefore, statements in the Bible can be taken as facts and reasoned from deductively to formulate a systematic theology Is that right, UntoHim?

Ken Gemmer- Church in Detroit, Church in Fort Lauderdale, Church in Miami 1973-86

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