Originally Posted by Unregistered
I was in the Church in Anaheim in the mid-seventies (74-76?). Initially, we met in a building on Ball Road. I cannot remember the years as well as well as I remember events. I joined the Church right after the Church in Anaheim was spun off of the Church in LA. During those years Ron Kangas, who I knew pretty well, John Ingalls and Max Rappaport were the functional leaders under Witness Lee. They were Lee's favorites. His son, who later became a subject of controversy, had no spiritual leadership role in the Church. I never heard Lee's son speak once during a Church meeting. Those were interesting years.
Almost immediately after I left, Max Rappaport left which was a shock to everyone in the Church. Max was a fiery speaker, and Lee loved him. Then the great rupture when John Ingalls left. John had a great deal of prestige in the Church. He was #2 to Witness Lee and EVERYONE deferred to John as the one who stood in for Brother Lee. When he left the Church, it was a real shock. For me it was vindication, as Ingalls reasons for leaving were the same as mine, and nobody ever questioned John's integrity.
My parents moved our family to Anaheim January 1976 and were there until June 1979. Never knew Ron Kangas was in Anaheim during the mid-late 70's. I knew many families from the church in Anaheim and I was not familiar with the Kangas family. I never heard of Ron's name until the mid-90's. The leaders I was familiar with were Ingalls, Rappaport, Al Knoch, and Francis Ball.
As far as John's integrity, it was questioned after Witness Lee/LSM besmirched it. One could say this happened over twenty years ago, the current LSM leadership have yet to retract what was printed.