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Old 06-26-2014, 06:45 PM   #94
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Not sure about your question. Do I think that doing things here is "being about the Father's business"? Not necessarily. My point was that the goal of the Christian should be to become discipled, get baptized, and obey. Are we good at it? Often not very. But the goal was not for those who go to create followers of a man, get them indoctrinated well, and give them great spiritual feelings.

I find that there is one song that the LRC sang that they do not seem to really believe. A verse went something like "The feelings do not change the fact." It is not important what the rest of the song was about. That one statement was true. But then they go and accept or reject virtually everything based on their feelings and "taste."

My goal was not to chastise you, but to give a different perspective on the experience you had in the early days. Not saying that feelings are bad, but that they do not dictate whether things are good or bad. They do not define the truth or establish our spiritual condition. (Also not saying that if you feel really bad about something that you have done wrong and you sense a need to repent that such a feeling is a bad thing or to be ignored.)
You said, "We must be those who live the righteousness of God."
I asked if that is what you think you are doing. Apparently not, because you admitted that you [ as part of the royal "we"] are often not good at it. If that's the case, then I submit that your righteousness is not "of God" because, as I'm sure you are aware, God is supposed to be very good at it.
Perhaps you learned to ignore your feeling when you were in the Local Church. I know I did. As long as you went through the motions and made the right noises, it was OK with most of the "saints". We were taught to release our spirit [by which I mean shout slogans] regardless how we felt. Eventually I caught myself acting a part and I wondered if other people who shouted were acting too. Later on, some confirmed that they were. That's how the leadership got us to behave like robots. It's really healthy to pay attention to your feelings. They are an important part of consciousness that imparts information about what is good or bad, right or wrong, sometimes even before we can think our way through situations. This book supports what I am claiming about the importance of feelings:

Ken Gemmer- Church in Detroit, Church in Fort Lauderdale, Church in Miami 1973-86

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