Originally Posted by Ohio
It is just incredible to think that we truly believed that the God of the universe, Who upholds all things by the word of His power, Who alone knows the hearts of some 7 billion people, not to mention all the creation we no nothing about, would limit Himself to the speaking of one fallen, limited, mortal man.
Like aron said, that was akin to looney tunes.
My wife worked at a bank. She brought the wife of the president of the bank to the church ... and she proved to be a live firecracker on fire for the Lord.
She eventually talked her husband, and one of his friends to a meeting. They were right behind me.
Well, the meeting got going and was on fire with great enthusiasm, action, lively testimonies, songs, and heavenly festivities, with everyone on their feet.
And I overheard the friend say to the president next to him, "These people are a half a bubble off level." (They were smart. That's the last we saw of them.)
Well I didn't take it to heart at that time, nor were I insulted. But I never forgot it.
Bro Zeek and I were talking and I brought that incident up.
And we quickly went to: We were at least a half a bubble off level, if not more, and prolly still are.
Methinks we were all looney tunes, and Tinker Bells.
Just own it.