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Old 06-23-2014, 08:16 AM   #44
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

The problem that we have was said well in this quote:
It is a conclusion, not a solution. I know that the phrase is true. Most of the posters know that, too. It's obvious for you and me but not for everyone. Solution is how to make that statement true for others.
And this is where we find that postmodernism is not just a disease of those who want to reject knowledge or have an "I'm Ok, You're OK" kind of existence.

We see the things we see as true. But they don't. They see something else as true. Doesn't matter that it is actually false.

And the real problem is the first sentence in the quote. We are busy pushing conclusions rather than finding solutions. We want to tell them that they are wrong rather than show them how they are wrong. Or how we are right.

It takes the opening of the eyes. Theirs have been shut to everything not published by the LSM. They are so used to having blinders and colored glasses on that they do not even notice the apparatus on their heads or the weight of the coke-bottle prescription, Lee-colored glasses on their noses. They think that anything to the left or right of the path straight ahead into the door of the meeting hall is poison and dangerous. If it did not come as the result of their standing order with LSM, they are unqualified to read it and discern whether there is truth in it or whether Lee's still echoing mantra that all they need is in the LSM materials is the truth.

Sometimes a simple "but that's not what it says" may be the opener. And you may not get another opportunity to say another word for some time. Maybe even several years. They may just avoid talking anything spiritual, religious, etc., with you from then on. But there will be that "but that's not what it says" bugging them. Maybe they will eventually begin to read a little on their own and see that you are right. It might take years.

But I've seen it work.

How did Americans get fooled by such a thing? They were searching for "different" and they found it. But it was a cold pot with gallons of water in it and a single candle underneath trying to heat it. The change was subtle and slow.

The only other thing to say is that some are predisposed to be followers. They will follow what is in front of them. When a car passes on the highway, they unconsciously speed up and follow. When a poll says that more people are voting for candidate X today than yesterday, they decide to join the herd.

I know. That is very cynical. But I see the first day after day. And there is no other reason to publish political polls to the general population. It is a factor in the nature of people. And some will take advantage of it whenever they can.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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