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Old 06-20-2014, 05:36 AM   #17
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Some of the Asian cultural elements relate to standards of conduct that are pushed as if essential to the Christian life. Others elements are Eastern cultural values that make their way into doctrinal stances on minor truths, and then get stressed like major ones. The manifestations are numerous, but the root is the same. We (they) failed to distinguish between Lee's culture and his portion of Christ.
Welcome Caveman!

Your insights and attitude are much appreciated here.

As a typical Westerner, as if growing up in the west side of Cleveland, Ohio qualifies me of that, I have often thought that we were fooled into thinking that Lee's Chinese culture was "spiritual" just because it was foreign to our own. Admittedly being active in the Titus Chu-led LC's was a kind of Lee-Lite experience, while at the same time introducing a new set of dynamics.

It has always amazed me that the justification for regular leadership "dress-downs" by both Lee and Chu were sourced in a missionary sister from England. Supposedly M. E. Barber's brutal rebukes of Watchman Nee, which reportedly "perfected" him, gave all subsequent leaders the privilege to repeat such a shameful practice with others. For a collection of brothers, so "faithful" to the pure word of God, it is quite surprising since the New Testament provides not even a single verse fragment warranting such a leadership style. How do we attribute this ongoing practice to a sister, and without any scriptural support, if Chinese culture is ruled out?
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