Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-06-2008, 05:22 PM   #753
Matt Anderson
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 155


I'm not stuck on the idea that the "we're IT" factor was the only factor that initially drew people to the LC. With the outpouring of the Spirit going on and the thoughts which were not countered that the LC was the God's special move on the earth, it was part of the equation.

There were other things. I'm trying to draw out the ones that were not based solely on the truth and/or tended towards allowing a man (or men) to setup an idolatrous environment that started in a smaller way, but grew.

The other primary fact is that Lee wasn't in some better condition from the earliest days. He was dirty and wasn't listening to sound admonition from someone like TAS who was speaking soundly. This opened the door to the Enemy to be integrated into the environment from the beginning.

In regards to Lee, I believe the "ground" represented a means of establishing earthly control over other believers in the name of God, but not of God.

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