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Old 05-19-2014, 12:18 PM   #94
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Authority and Submission

Originally Posted by YP0534 View Post
But essentially, the teaching is that the authority of God is literally deadly serious, that this authority is wielded by the so-called "leading ones" among us and, at a minimum, if they tell you to jump, you shouldn't ask how high because essentially God Himself told you to jump and moreover if you were sufficiently "blended" you'd already know how high.

Anyone got something to add to this?
Yes and because of the severity of disobeying God's authority, which is why some former leading ones could not take the way of LSM and were called rebels ever since. Problem here is elders may view themselves as delegated authority and the coworkers as deupty authority. As deputy authority, they may view their word being on par with God's word. As brothers and sisters we must consider "what if they're wrong"? We have a human spirit. We have a conscience. Exercise it and don't submit so blindly that you disobey God's authority. I am speaking concerning myself so that others may be helped too.

Because even in the authority the leading ones might have, it could be spiritual or it could be according their preferences and partialities.
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