Originally Posted by Freedom
Even at the point where I was attending training, I had a hard time sitting through it all. If that weren't enough study sessions every morning made it exhausting.
I have always taken issue with the fact that they called the fee a "donation". A mandatory donation is a fee, so why not call it that? Anyways, I know plenty of saints in the LCs that find ways to avoid attending the trainings. I actually find it kind of ironic that people in the LC avoid attending trainings even though such a big deal is made about how everyone should be going to the semi-annual trainings.
I am always exhausted after all those training and sessions, too. Especially in our relatively small hall when some saints tend to talk for 20 and even 40 minutes. So on Sundays, we may start at 10 am and finish at 1 pm. It can be I who is lazy and don't want to exercise my spirit, but when I look around, I see that the majority is also tired, sleepy, and absent in their thoughts. Why does it happen? I believe this happens because we don't really have communion with the Lord while listening to speeches. In other words, we don't experience the living reality of God behind the words, doctrines, and concepts. Well, this may happen at any church. And it may be our personal fault too. But with the LRC, the whole matter boils down to dry and lifeless doctrines invented or adopted by WL. The purpose of the church is to experience living communion with God, through prayer and worship. However, based on my experience, the purpose of the LRC has little in common with it. They just want you to buy, study, and promote WL's books and doctrines.
A few weeks ago I bought this booklet "Rose Book of Bible & Christian History Time Lines".
I wonder, if the LRC is the only genuine Church church, and WN and WL are such influential figures, how come their names are absent in the Christian history time line? What kind of history do they belong to?
Well, I understand that Rose Publishing might make a mistake but what about other timelines?
Not even Wikipedia (that "knows everything") mentions WL, WN, and their organizations.