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Old 05-17-2014, 04:55 AM   #15
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 100
Default Re: Public Service Announcement

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
My heart is really burdened for those growing up in the local church.
I grew up in the local church, and as I think I've said here before, of those with whom I grew up there are very few left. Maybe around 10%. A few left as a result of the storms, while others just drifted and drifted until they were gone.

I've noticed now that unless you're involved in lc activities on a regular basis you're pretty much forgotten by most, especially the younger crowd. But, it's true too of the late 20s/30s married crowd.

I used to help out with the high schoolers on Saturday nights, but I stopped because I just couldn't watch what was happening. I tried to speak up, tried to get things back to the Bible, but was just...heard and then nothing. Saturdays consisted of playing some kind of game. Sitting in in 2 semi circles facing each other, boys on one side, girls on the other. Sing the same songs for about 15 minutes while repeating some of the lines. Move on to a long portion of the ministry. Kids slump in their chairs. Read around the semi circles. There was always one or two who had learned to pray-read the lc way. The serving ones focused on them.
Meeting over. I've never felt lack of life so strongly.

Never a bible answer night, never talk about what's happening in their lives, never talk about boys and girls and love and responsibility...nothing relevant. Read the ministry. I couldn't take it.

My generation is gone (high school in the early 90s). This generation has one leg out the door already.
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