Originally Posted by Ohio
This one has always been a burr under my saddle. There was a time when I was convinced (brainwashed?) that our great God actually limited His work among mankind to the sphere of the Recovery. Imagine that! The God of the universe confined to the work of a little Chinaman in Anaheim (his words, not mine.)
I fell for this too. But I saw it as the spearhead of God's present movement on the earth. Something all other believers should join up with.
Originally Posted by Ohio
I think what really got me going was how few actually got saved among us as compared with those outside, . . .
Bringing outsiders in was made much harder because we looked so wierd and frantic in our meetings. Like a pair of new ones behind me at a Friday night gospel meeting remarked, "These people are a half-bubble off level."
Originally Posted by Ohio
coupled with the constant drain of our children to the world.
My heart is really burdened for those growing up in the local church. I grew up indoctrinated in the Southern Baptist Church. I know how it can be. And the SBC isn't even close to the cult that the local church is. From what I've seen growing up in the LC really screws up kids.
Originally Posted by Ohio
Why is it that both of these "MOTA's" used the "burden" to evangelize the whole inhabited earth as a pretext for power and wealth?
They really really blew up a big bubble in the air, made up of puzzle-pieces-pictures from Bible verses, intended to mesmerize, while setting themselves up as the head honcho of God. I was there. It was really bewitching.
Originally Posted by Ohio
Nee in his "resumption" and Lee in his "new way" both spoke of the saints "handing over" all they were and all they had, not to the Lord, but to the ministry, that is to "the work" which they ruled with an iron fist.
A whole heart for the ministry didn't leave much heart left for the saints. So if a brother or sister had a problem, as we all do from time to time, they became fodder, or worse, considered to be a drag on the ministry, and in need of purging.
Originally Posted by Ohio
they promised us something better, and never delivered.
They delivered, perchance, in the abstract. But their practice exposed their hypocrisy.