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Old 05-16-2014, 05:12 AM   #11
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Default Public Service Announcement

Originally Posted by Chris Fleming View Post
--Christians throughout the centuries have been able to love and serve the Lord just fine without LSM. In fact, God is doing mighty works of gospel preaching, healing and deliverance right now through people who have never even heard of WL. (shock of shocks! How can that be possible?!?!)
This one has always been a burr under my saddle. There was a time when I was convinced (brainwashed?) that our great God actually limited His work among mankind to the sphere of the Recovery. Imagine that! The God of the universe confined to the work of a little Chinaman in Anaheim (his words, not mine.)

Common sense and the facts of life eventually got the best of me as I emerged from that little cocoon believing that surely God was with the greater body of Christ outside of the Recovery. I think what really got me going was how few actually got saved among us as compared with those outside, coupled with the constant drain of our children to the world.

After I left the Recovery, facts surrounding the ministries of both Nee and Lee began to emerge from beneath the rocks. Why is it that both of these "MOTA's" used the "burden" to evangelize the whole inhabited earth as a pretext for power and wealth? Nee in his "resumption" and Lee in his "new way" both spoke of the saints "handing over" all they were and all they had, not to the Lord, but to the ministry, that is to "the work" which they ruled with an iron fist.

The Bible calls that filthy lucre, using the gospel as a pretense for wealth, power, and personal gains. Nee and Lee are neither the first nor the last to use the gospel for filthy lucrative means, but they promised us something better, and never delivered.
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