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Old 05-15-2014, 11:59 AM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Default Re: A Public Service Announcement

Originally Posted by james73 View Post
It was their loss… there were Christians present from all over the city, Catholic, Anglican, Evangelical, Baptists, Methodists, a bunch from the seminary, and the message was of unity and reconciliation, cross-denominational exchange and cross-cultural exchange. Beautiful really, but of course the anti-thesis of the Witness Lee church.
It's really wonderful seeing something that overcomes the walls of the congregations we meet in, but unfortunately in the local churches such a coming together of Christians within a city is termed as "shaking hands over the fence."
I recall back in the mid to late 90's there was something similar that ocurred in many US cities that brought Christian men together regardless of where they broke bread Sunday mornings. I'm sure many on this forum heard of Promise Keepers. In Seattle the event filled up the Kingdome (50,000+/-). However in the local church the Promise Keepers event was minimized if mentioned at all.
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