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Old 05-15-2014, 06:38 AM   #7
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Default Re: A Public Service Announcement

Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
Hi, I am new here. Still somehow kind of on the observing side with the LC. This is a very insightful post!
I don't go to their Lord's day meeting but I do sometimes fellowship with them.
I think they don't really trust me because every time I mention anything that is not what they read in their special recovery bible or ask a question, all I hear is no, no, no, no....
They love to point out how other Christians are wrong and refer back to the footnote to their Bible.....
I wonder why I still go to their fellowship....
That's why I am here for support I guess so I can leave...
Welcome Sarah!

I was with the LC's a long time, and sadly watched things deteriorate. I have found many of the Christians there to be kind, loving, and giving, but most of the leaders are an intolerant bunch. Unfortunately, it is these intolerant zealots who advance among their ranks.

They have long been taught that members (especially sisters!) should not have any opinions, and that the teachings of W. Lee decide every discussion, trumping even the Bible. If you have friendships with members in the LC, you really should ask the Lord before dropping them, but go prayerfully slowly before jumping head first into their "pool" of fellowship.
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