Re: Christianity Baggage
The reason I say double entendre is because we're talking "Christianity Baggage." As I've seen it thru the years two things bring a Christian leader down : Money and Sex.
Back when 5 localities migrated to Ft. Lauderdale (for the Spring Breakers) there was a problem with the ground. Bod Mumford and Derek Prince had declared the ground in Ft. Lauderdale. That meant that we had to join them. Ha Ha, fat chance. Mumford and Prince weren't following Witness Lee. So we waxed hypocritical to our teaching of the ground.
But to my point. God did not bless the local church in Ft. Lauderdale. LSM doesn't even list a LC in Ft. Lauderdale.
But God blessed, instead, a little nobody back then, that was hanging with Mumford and Co.
Since then this nobody, Pastor Bob Coy, built a megachurch into the largest church in America ; 20 thousand members and counting.
But last month it came out, and Coy confessed, that he's been having affairs and has a long term addiction to pornography. There's also a scuttlebutt concerning dishonest management of money.
Coy's church governance was based on the Moses model. In other words, God speak's to Moses (Bob Coy) and Moses runs the whole show. So authority wasn't to be questioned. Coy had 600 working under him. All of them were question forbidden authorities.
So it wasn't just Coy that was victimizing sisters, those below him were doing the same, even with boys (there were lots of gays in his Calvary Chapel church).
Does the Moses model ring a bell?
Money and sex brought Pastor Bob Coy down, and there's more fallout to come.
So "Mother's Milk" has a double meaning. Thus a double entendre.
Moral of the story : whenever you encounter the Moses model of church governance, run like the devil is chasing you. Cuz he is.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.