Originally Posted by Lisbon
I might feel differently if I hadn't heard hundreds of messages on 1Cor15:45 but just the fact that Christ meeting with his disciples on the day of His resurrection and noticing that they thought He was a spirit said,"Look, touch me, a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see me have." I don't think anyone knows much about what was actually said. One thing is certain WL was always forming a sect whether he was teaching Isa 9:6, 1Cor15:45, God's economy, outer darkness,one church one city, and on. He was secterian from the very beginning and never changed.
Yeah, it became very clear near the end of Lee's ministry (if it wasn't already clear) that he was in the business of being novel. He had to stay relevant, and his stuff became more quirky. It was always idiosyncratic, if not heretical, and got worse over time. In the end he did fall into heresy with his "Man becomes God" silliness.
But he was always about setting himself in contrast to everyone else.
There's me, then there's everyone else. On rare occasions that might be good. But usually it's a signal for patrons to head for the doors.