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Old 05-09-2014, 03:16 PM   #7
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Default Re: Christianity Baggage

The most annoying thing about the reference to "Christianity baggage" is the implication that just because it comes from a past time that it is discardable (or should be discarded) as if soiled underwear. Nothing could be farther from the truth for a lot of what they snidely call "baggage" or tradition (or, to use their term, "dead tradition").

The problem is that tradition is not the problem. It is the "dead" part. And dead applies to things that are brand new and often does not apply to things that are very old (and are seen as tradition).

Funny that they would point at old things as so bad when the very premise of their existence is that they are bringing the 1st century church back. Talk about old traditions. Good or bad, those are really old. That is the ultimate in old-time religion. (I'm not taking their position . . . just noting that if they were consistent in their message, they would only be doing things in a way that has never been done before. They would never go back to a really old way.)
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