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Old 05-09-2014, 02:53 PM   #6
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Default Re: Christianity Baggage

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
The following is from a former LC brother identified as "singnewsong".

"Witness Lee spoke about the Lord's Recovery carrying Christianity baggage. We interpret "Christianity baggage" as being traditions of men carried over from previous generations. Thus the present Lord's Recovery still possesses some traditions. We have never heard anyone speak about any specific items as being Christianity baggage. Yet we wish to identify three traditions as "the Christianity Baggage Trinity" They are: (1) selling the things of God, (2) churches owning property, and (3) non-profit corporations.

Doves, pigeons, and lambs were sold in the temple during Jesus' time. Did he approve of that? Not at all. (Luke 19:45-46) Today, look at all the business transactions regarding publications and certain kinds of meetings. Did Paul charge those who came to him? (Acts 28:30-31, 1 Corinthians 9:18)
An old LC friend of mine, whom I was with last weekend, recently did a study in the N.T. on MONEY.

This was the conclusion of his exhaustive study -- Every single time MONEY is mentioned, the instruction is to "give to the poor." Let me repeat for those hard of reading: Give to the poor!

And for anyone out there who thinks that the Recovery still has "Christianity Baggage" from past generations, let me politely inform you that the Recovery, and specifically the LSM, has as much or even more "Christianity Baggage" than the rest of Christianity.
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