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Old 05-08-2014, 10:08 AM   #7
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Default Re: "Become" or "Not Become" — That is the Question

OBW & all.

If we can hate the sin but love the sinner, why can't we, hate the heresy but love the heretic?

Christian history shows that it's easier than we think to fall into heresy. In fact, it seems as common and ubiquitous as humanity, or to humanity.

But we can't kill the heretics, or exclude them, persecute & discriminate against them, like they are less than human.

I made friends with the Jehovah's Witness' coming to my door. We talk on cell phones, and I've been to his house a couple of times. He gave me a ton of cut oak for my stove.

And you can't believe the hard time I've given him, and the big gun honchos he brings to my door. I've been brutally honest and outspoken.

About a yr ago he showed up with a couple JW big guns. I charged out the door, in a rant.

I said:
I can't believe y'all would join a group that's been wrong prolly more than a thousand times ; that started out from William Miller -- The Great Disappointment -- that should have been stoned as a false prophet ; then your founder Charles Russell picks up where Miller failed, and begins failed prophecy after failed prophecy. And it's been that way for you guys ever since. Why would you want to be a member of such a system that has such a long track record of failure after failure?
They were all taken aback on their heels.

But he still loves me. And I him. Love covers.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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