Re: Time Frame in the LSM/LC
This "holding to the head" for the one and only true "inspired" interpretation of scripture, to me, smacks of arrogance. Was Nee speaking in the abstract, only? If so why? Why make the statement unless you want to give the impression that your (Nee's) interpretation comes from holding to the head, and all other interpretations, if they differ, must therefore come from not holding to the head.
And consider:
There are over 33,000 Christian sects. All with various and sundry interpretations of scripture.
So does only one of them get their interpretation of scripture from holding to the head, and the rest, all 32,999, get their interpretation of scripture wrong because they are not holding to the head?
How do we know who is holding to the head? In Nee's paradigm only one holds to the head. And everyone else, all other Christians, most other Christians, are not under the head. That's a lot of born again Christians that are headless of Christ. Can you see the arrogance? And the absurdity? Even Paul saw thru a glass darkly. It's not like holding to the head is a light switch, that turns on Jesus to reveal all true interpretation of scripture. If we are truly humble, and honest, we will admit that our interpretation of scripture could be wrong.
And I think we all know who Nee thought to be the one and only that was holding to the head, and who held the only true interpretation of scripture.
And there's no doubt when considering Witness Lee.
Where in the scripture is such a doctrine taught?
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.