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Old 04-26-2014, 03:43 PM   #402
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

A Blending Conference in Ohio

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord:

The saints in Ohio would like to invite the churches and individuals to participate in a blending conference with brother Ron Kangas, This will take place in Cleveland, Ohio from Friday, April 25 through Lord’s Day, April 27, 2014. The meeting schedule is as follows:

Meeting l: Fri., April 25, 7:30 PM
Meeting 2: Sat., April 26, 10:00 AM
Meeting 3: Sat., April 26, 7:30 PM
Meeting 4: Lord’s Day, April 27, 9:30 AM

All the meetings will be held at the Cleveland Airport Marriott in the Grand Ballroom, located at 4277 West 150th St. Cleveland, OH, 44135. Phone: 216-252-5333
I wouldn't be surprised if many of those saints in the Metro Cleveland area in Titus Chu LC's are going to these meetings just to see their old friends, and to perhaps hear some of the old teachings they grew up on.

LSM picked a hotel right down the street from Titus' house and hall one.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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