Originally Posted by Lisbon
Regarding post 13
I'm sure there are others like me who would welcome some documented evidence of the financial problems of Lee and sons in Taiwan and Phillipines. I don't doubt them at all but it would be comforting to have a confirmation. I know plenty of LCers that say it is all a pack of lies. Many LCers strongly agree with RG and BP that their leaders are pristine and holy. Possibly writings by Hardy and Issit may be some hard evidence to gainsay.
In my many years in the LC I've heard it said too many times "It's all a pack of lies by the ambitious ones."
I'm sure there are brothers in Asia who could be more whistleblowers what has happened in Asia.
As for Steve Isitt goes, this quote from Elden1971 in post #115 may answer why he was removed from fellowship,
The current activity of the Blended Brothers to me has been incomprehensible since I knew most of them and I'm shocked at the level of deception that has encompassed them, but a little leaven eventually leavens the whole lot."
When you start digging into the past, asking questions, seeking brothers who had left, one begins to learn the other side of the coin. There is good reason the blended brothers don't want you speaking to quarantined brothers. The brothers who left no longer have cause to be politically correct. While the blended brothers at least some feel some shame for their promoting of Phillip Lee. It's a part of the local church history they would like to consider as never having transpired.