Originally Posted by Nell
Does the Bible forbid the naming of churches? Just curious. I don't know the answer.
This is whole "name" vs. "no name" is a conundrum. The reason why the LC says, NO NAMES, is because they believe it indicates "Christ PLUS Something".
They are actually concerned about the fact that "denominating" is dividing the Body of Christ. It turns out that not "denominating" based on the "ground of locality" also divides the Body of Christ.
Not taking a name is still "Christ PLUS Something". There isn't a way for a group of people to take a
stand for oneness without implicitly
dividing themselves from even that one little true believer hiding in the back of the Baptist church down the street. You can only make the choice in your heart. God sees it and it is evidenced when you are with other believers by your receiving of them. No men can control this. Our God will be honored as Lord. He made it this way. Any man who tries to get between each one of us and His Lordship over us will fall.
When the Lord comes back I will get a NEW NAME. The gatherings I attended will just disappear... So, I think this whole issue of "name" vs. "no name" is wood, hay and stubble.
What is not wood, hay and stubble is that I receive all those who the Lord receives. When I have a problem doing that, I have to interact with the Lord until my heart is right with Him. I may also have to interact with my brother/sister in Christ to work out any offenses/problems.