Originally Posted by Lisbon
Many LCers strongly agree with RG and BP that their leaders are pristine and holy...
In my many years in the LC I've heard it said too many times "It's all a pack of lies by the ambitious ones."
That's exactly what they tell us.
Originally Posted by Elden1971
Let me make something explicitly clear regarding Witness Lee. I knew Witness Lee, I was a guest in his apartment on Westmoreland in LA, in his apartment on Juno in Anaheim and I helped move him into his duplex along with his son Philip. I knew 3 of his 6 children and I spent private one on one time with him and all of them. I know personally 10 of the blended brothers. When I post about them it is from my personal experience not from something I have read. John, Bill, Al and Godfred were all friends and I still have periodic contact with them. Don Hardy and I visit almost every week and his testimony is being written and hopefully will appear soon. I would welcome calls from anyone who wishes to know the truth of the early years and the results of my research over the past 35 years.
Last week I tried to talk to an old brother from the LRC about some hidden facts of the Local Church history. He didn't seem to be enthusiastic. He stopped that talk and said, “Satan is accusing our church day and night. We must be faithful to Jesus to protect His Body and His work.” I didn't know what to say. I didn't dare to tell the brother to check with the Lord if he is more faithful to Nee, Lee, and their doctrines than he is faithful to Jesus Christ. After all, who am I? I’m sure I’m even less faithful.
He is a very good brother: sincere, humble, and righteous. But he is fully confident that he has been building nothing but the Body of Christ for all his years in the Local Church. He has no doubts, no questions, and no critical thinking about the LRC, their leaders, and their doctrines. One day the brother told us about the book of Dr. Hsu. I am not sure if he read it or not. He just said that an old lady from China wrote a book, accusing Watchman Nee. She had done it years ago and now she published the book again. “How dare she accuse Watchman Nee! He had a spotless reputation.” When he said that, tears of sorrow were rolling down his cheeks.
I can’t stop thinking of him. He is a prominent person in our hall. He loves God with all his heart, all his soul, and all his mind, but he ignores any fact that doesn't portray Nee, Lee, and the LRC in the most favorable light. He complains that he stopped his spiritual growth many years ago, but he doesn't blame the teachings that he preaches. He blames himself because it’s him who doesn't “exercise his spirit.”
I believe it’s only God’s grace that can open his eyes to see the truth. My fellowship has been useless. I wish brother Terry could fellowship with him but I’m afraid it’s impossible. He isn't going to listen to anyone. He already knows his answer: "It's all a pack of lies by the ambitious ones... Satan is accusing the church day and night... We must be faithful to Christ."