Originally Posted by Elden1971
April 25-27, 2014 - Blending Conference - Ohio with brother Ron Kangas. All meetings will be held at the Cleveland Airport Marriott in the Grand Ballroom, located at 4277 West 150th St.Cleveland, OH, 44135. For room reservations, please call 1(800)228-9290 and request the group rate for the Church in Wickliffe. Reservations must be made by Apr 14th in order to get this reduced rate ($84 plus 16.5% tax). 
I'm sure that TC and the Cleveland elders feel like this is like Putin coming in and grabbing the Crimea. That hotel is right down the street from Cleveland's Hall #1.
Those who think that all the saints in the Midwest got liberated from LSM during the quarantine are in for a surprise. Actually it seems like the LSMers have more liberty in the Spirit than the TC folks. In my city, the LSMers are fruitful and bursting at the seams, while the TC group seems to be at a funeral every meeting. Since TC sent his new local leader VY to town about ten years ago, the attendance has shrunk from over a hundred to perhaps not much more than a dozen.