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Old 03-26-2014, 03:53 PM   #70
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Default Re: Our Journey to Elden in Jan 1971

Originally Posted by Elden1971 View Post
Did any of you experience "burnings" in your LC in the 70's? Elden had several where everyone burned TV's, stereos, books, magazines, clothes, photos.
Then Brother Lee encouraged everyone to drop out of college then a few years later just the opposite,,,get a BA MA PHD.
Attended at least one in Dallas. Know a sister who was in Dallas for a while who spoke on another forum of burning pictures of her children and regretting it long before she left the LRC (which was a long time ago now).

I don't recall what, if anything I contributed to the flames. I must admit that there was always a level of the supercharged atmosphere (when it arose) that was a little off-setting to me. Probably just my nature as a semi hermit that would rather be sane and quiet than boisterous and showy. In any case, this seemed to be one of those things to me. I wouldn't say it was bad. But it did not look like what was mentioned in Acts. And since I had no witchcraft or books on the occult, I was mostly off the hook. I was not as keen on the "evil world" (although at some level I could probably stand to be a little more that way now).
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OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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