Re: Our Journey to Elden in Jan 1971
Originally Posted by Ohio
When I first read this sad 20 year Brethren story spanning the original attacks on Newton until the final departures of many brothers influenced by Dorman et. al. was during the time leading up to the quarantine of Titus Chu. I was literally in the midst of tract wars, and a war of words. The more I studied both sides' views, the more I realized rhetoric without substance, that we were simply repeating Brethren history, and that their split like our own had nothing to do with teachings and practices, rather both ugly scenes from history were simply power struggles. Ambitious men fighting to be first in line.
Once I realized this, it all made so much sense, and I decided it was about time to leave.
I am certainly happy you got out and look forward to fellowship with you.
Christ is the answer to every question and the solution to every problem.
Last edited by Elden1971; 03-23-2014 at 09:08 AM.
Reason: add source of quote