09-01-2008, 02:04 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Georgetown, Texas
Posts: 295
Originally Posted by Matt
...If you listen to Sparks' message you will hear him specifically address his concerns in front of the whole church there in Taiwan with Lee translating his message.
Originally Posted by Matt
Why did Sparks' tell it to the church? Because Sparks' was being a faithful brother to Witness Lee.
It is documented that Lee and Sparks had already:
a) Discussed this matter privately.
b) Discussed this matter with witnesses to establish the matter
(If you want references to these facts, please respond and I will get them).
Remember Matthew 18 --> (go privately, go with witnesses, tell it to the church). Well, Sparks' was faithful and did it. He did not stop at telling just a few witnesses. He told the whole church. Lee was furious. Sparks had planted a seed (which was based on the truth in the Word of God) that would cost Lee dearly in his pre-eminence in the Taiwan churches.
History now proves that Sparks’ warning was of the Lord. In retrospect, I find it interesting that Lee told us when Sparks rejected the “ground of locality” teaching the blessing left his ministry. I think it was the other way around, especially if you consider what happened in Taiwan next. Lee blamed Sparks for the "rebellion" that occurred, but the truth is that what happened was a result of Lee's stance.
Lee’s insistence on the teaching of the ground of locality immediately resulted in him gathering those around him that supported his treasured teaching and labeling those who didn’t as ones in rebellion. Lee kept in touch with his “lieutenants” throughout the “rebellion” and solidified his hold over a number of brothers and sisters with his ground of locality teaching.
Sparks had warned him that the teaching of the ground of locality would result in a oneness that was narrower than the scope of the whole body of Christ. Lee's teaching proceeded to do exactly that. His “practical oneness” teaching immediately became the basis for excluding as “rebels” all those who did not accept it.
Thankful Jane
Last edited by Thankful Jane; 09-01-2008 at 02:54 PM.