Originally Posted by Timotheist
I short, idolatry is devotion to anything other than God.
Do you mean it is something like agreeing to be part of a church system that puts the success of the church system and it's growth over following the Lord with a pure heart? Do you mean it is something like agreeing to put church activities and functions over and above your responsibility to bring your children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord as the Lord instructs?
Does that fit within your definition?
Originally Posted by Timotheist
Is your obseesion with discrediting the LC your own personal idol?
No, it's not. My life as a whole is proof of this fact. If you would care to get to know me and my walk in life I believe it would be self-evident. If that is the appearance based on my involvements on two internet forums, then I will suffer that appearance.
Interested in finding out? We could take it up in a phone call as this is more conducive to that kind of discussion.
I think I added more to my last post while you were posting that you might want to review.