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Old 03-19-2014, 01:42 PM   #61
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Default Re: Is it the Message, or the Men?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Can you provide the first names of these teachers, too, so I can look them up. Thanks!
The list was off the top of my head and was far from all. But these were either more notable, or more recent.

Charles (Chuck) Swindol ((might be 2 Ls) Frisco Bible Church, current or former Dallas Theo Chancellor or something like that)
Randy Alcorn (Can't remember much of his creditials. But he has several well-known books out there.)
Mark Driscoll (not a lot from this one and is recently somewhat controversial)
Rob Bell (of Velvet Elvis, and more recently Love Wins fame - or infamy)
Scot McKnight (Preacher, writer, college professor)
Michael Spencer (preacher and orignal "Internet Monk" (he is not Catholic); only wrote one book - Mere Churchianity; died in 2011)
Brian McLaren (highly controversial. Read to discover the appeal and to decide where "Emergent" theology was going)
Phyllis Tickle (Magazine and book editor, and writer on Christian trends)
David Fitch (Seminary professor. Writes on postmodernism, post-Christendom (meaning the forms, not the essence of being Christian))

Of the ones I listed, I take Swindol as a serious, regular guy among us.
McKnight is trying to re-engage people with Christ and the mission of the church.
Fitch is critiquing what seems (to him) to be misaiming in the forms and practices of the church.
The others are mostly to challenge me to think. Even the highly questionable McLaren raises issues that are seriously worthy of thinking about. The problem with him is that he so often does not say anything about what he thinks on the issues. Then when he finally does . . . run for the hills!!

I would have listed others but the names would not come to me. That seems to be a regular thing with me. I remember by use and names I don't use are forgotten. Often can't remember the names of famous secular writers of books I have read.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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