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Old 03-18-2014, 08:42 AM   #13
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Default Re: Our Journey to Elden in Jan 1971

Originally Posted by Elden1971 View Post
Daystar was the pivotal turning point for Brother Lee and Phillip and Timothy in the US. It is well documented of their previous business failings in Taiwan and the Phillipines.

In the greater Ohio area, only whispers of Daystar were mentioned behind closed doors. We often heard how Titus Chu shielded us from things which happened in SoCal, and we were never given the impression that Witness Lee and sons bore any responsibility, rather the blame should fall on "those who left."

Obviously Titus Chu knew of the rotten side of Lee and Sons church business ventures, since nearly no brother from here was cheated by Daystar. TC obviously knew of their previous failings in Taiwan. He probably blamed the sons in order to maintain his pristine image of Lee.

You say "well documented" but actually very little is known on this forum. We have heard that the church in Taipei rejected Lee because he sold church property owned by Hall #1 to pay off a bad personal debt. Chinese saints, like Samuel Chang, who came to the USA said very little about this part of Lee's history, which opened the door wide open for American saints to be swindled.
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