Originally Posted by Ohio
They would say that they paid a hefty price to pursue the Lord in the LC's.
Well, everyone pays some price for whatever they do. The price I was talking about is the one you pay to do the right thing.
But, sice they were not remotely involved with the activities in Anaheim, they would disagree that they have any responsibility to dig into those details or make them known.
I'm not talking about digging anything up, I'm talking about acknowledging what is undeniable, and being open to acknowledge what is likely. In other words, being honest and responsible.
They also would say that it is all about "the message" and not the man, since Lee is dead.
The first admission of any LCer should be that the MOTA teaching was designed to control and manipulate people, and to cover up weaknesses in the message. If they can't admit that, there is no point in discussing the message with them in the first place, because to the degree they believe MOTA to that degree (at least) they will be irrational.