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Old 03-17-2014, 11:31 AM   #55
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Default Is it the Message, or the Men?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Ultimately, people have to make up their own minds about the LC and why they choose to remain in it. I'm sure there are many who feel that a good work is being done there. At some point, however, thoughtful Christians have to ask themselves if the priorities of the group are not in conflict wit the stated mission, which is to spread their vision. It is my contention that seeking to preserve false reputations of Nee and Lee, erasing and doctoring history, is counter to that mission in its purest form.

LCers will tell themselves that they are the remnant, the chosen few willing to pay the price. But in fact, they didn't pay the price. Paying the price would have meant being willing to be completely honest about everything and live with the consequences.
Recently I have been in touch with a few old friends who expressed an interest in attending Ron Kangas' pending conference in Cleveland. They would say that they paid a hefty price to pursue the Lord in the LC's. But, since they were not remotely involved with the activities in Anaheim, they would disagree that they have any responsibility to dig into those details or make them known. They also would say that it is all about "the message" and not the man, since Lee is dead.

Ironically, it now seems to be LSM which stresses Christ, the word, and the LC's, while life under the direction of TC in Cleveland has become all about "The Work." Quite a reversal from the rhetoric of the past.
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