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Old 03-14-2014, 04:02 AM   #38
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Default Re: Is it the Message, or the Men?

Originally Posted by InChristAlone View Post
In other words, if their idols and “high-peak truth” heralds, Nee and Lee, made mistakes, then their “high-peak truth” doesn’t look like “high-peak truth.” To keep the organization working, the LRC’s Sun must not have spots, i.e. Nee’s and Lee’s reputation must be indisputable.

It’s a very common thing with sects and certain teachings. Take communism, in the USSR, Lenin was always right. If people knew his mistakes, then the same people would start questioning Lenin’s teaching.
There are similarities between exclusive systems and totalitarian regimes. Both held their people in intense fear, to the point where they would dare not express an opinion. Both elevated their founders to the status of demigods, while negating the contributions of others. Both boasted in the unity or oneness of their system.

Commies would regularly disparage the results of democratic elections, boasting that theirs were always unanimous decisions.
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