Originally Posted by Roger
Originally Posted by Matt
P.S.S. For those who've gotten on my case for being hard-headed. Trust me, you haven't seen even 20% of it. Ask TJ, she took a 110% and survived, but just bearly. I'm no one's enemy here and no one is mine. I am holding an extreme position on an important issue. You can call me anything and accuse me of anything as a result. I'll live.
Not good; not good at all. Witness Lee was like that.
But thanks for sharing with us about the elder brother who is willing to be wrong. Now that's Christ.
Dear Roger,
I think Matt has slowed down a bit on the topic you don't like. Don't you? I am probably just as guilty of having posted about it, so I wonder why I'm not getting some of the heat from you. Not that I want it!!
Just to be clear, the "
it" which Matt was referring to when he said "20% of it" is a reference to what Matt was capable of in the past before God brought him to his knees in a half Nelson with His strong right arm. Matt is not the same angry person he was capable of being before that.
Earlier, you said you didn't know him, so you couldn't really judge. I think that's a safe position. I do know him, as does Nell. The person Matt became after the previously mentioned wrestling match with God is not the same one I had to survive. He is truly a changed person. He is not perfect, but I am here to testify where before he could not be stopped, today he can be.
Having a strong will by nature isn't a bad thing as long as it is submitted to Christ. From what I can see in Matt's life, his is. I am confident if God wants him to stop posting about something, he will.
Why don't we just pray for him instead of continuing to try and put him down?
I don't see anywhere that Matt has been disrespectful, angry, rude, or any such thing. Persistence is not a sin. It could be kin to diligence. He has been persistent (but so have I) to share his point of view. I really don't see the problem.
I thought things had calmed down a bit and we were just having some good discussion about abuse. Your post this morning surprised me.
Thankful Jane