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Old 03-13-2014, 02:47 PM   #29
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Default Re: Is it the Message, or the Men?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
The reason they need to protect and defend Nee and Lee is that the things they think are truly important in their beliefs are not simply common things that do not required Nee or Lee. It is something that is unique in each thing that is important. It requires that they remain important so that their novel reading of scripture is supportable. If Nee and Lee are not accepted as viable interpreters of the Bible, then their strange misreadings don't just fall under the label of "controversial." They become panned because their credentials as Bible commentators would be revoked.

And even if the rest of Christianity has problems with Nee and Lee, the LRC must keep seeing things their way.
Well, this works as a cold-eyed analysis from outside. But it doesn't work as an explanation of how they really think. I mean, do you really believe the LCers, even the leadership, sit around and say, "Well, we know our doctrines are crap, see? So let's keep the focus on Nee and Lee as ministers of the age so the members don't analyze our crappy doctrines too closely."


You may be explaining how things work, but you still are not explaining fundamental motivations.

The question is, why do LCers think Lee was the MOTA? Rather than try to figure it out, just think back to why you believed it at one time. You believed it, I would think, because:
  • Lee was outwardly impressive.
  • The teachings were innovative and seemingly powerful.
  • Your experience in the LC seemed to confirm that the group was a cut above the rest.
  • You were made to fear believing otherwise.
Now the question is, is there a star chamber somewhere where LC leaders cynically try to keep the focus on Lee to maintain their myths? I doubt it. I think they believe that reverence for the MOTA is not only appropriate, it's necessary to be faithful to God. However, and this goes back to my original point, THIS IS NOT THE WAY THE BIBLE PRESENTS ANYONE WHO MIGHT BE CONSIDERED A MOTA. The Bible exposes them warts and all. The Bible does not support reverence for leaders and founders as practiced by the LC. Not even close.

I'm writing this in the hope some LCer somewhere might say, "Hey, he's right."

The next step is what you said, once the MOTA myth crashes, and the message becomes the most important thing, the message can be scrutinized and the crap can be thrown out with the cat litter. Praise the Lord!

So you are absolutely right about what's going on. Except the part that the LCers are actually thinking it.
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