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Old 03-13-2014, 05:31 AM   #22
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Default Re: Is it the Message, or the Men?

Well, guys. I generally try to approach people with respect, giving them the benefit of the doubt. To me, launching the torpedoes of "You are not Christians nor a church" at the LC would be a losing proposition--sort of like the last insults a couple hurls at each other before the divorce. It doesn't really help, and the fact is you are standing on uncertain ground when you say it.

I prefer to take what someone claims to believe, and show them why their behavior is inconsistent with their belief. In this case, the LC likes to think they are carrying the message the world needs to hear. My point is, whether they are or not, seeking to uphold the reputations of Nee and Lee at all costs only hinders that mission. Being seen as those who would bury the facts about the history of their movement can only make others suspicious of them and their message.

The linchpin that holds the whole LC error together is the idea that leadership, especially Nee and Lee, must never be questioned. Take that out, make them realize that there is an appropriate way to do so, and that being clear about the failures of historical figures is not only helpful, but often necessary, and you have a chance for reform.

I do not believe the rank and file LCers really prefer being unquestioning sheep. They have just been convinced that is God's way. They are wrong. And that's what this thread is trying to help show.
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