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Old 03-12-2014, 09:21 PM   #20
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 71
Default Re: Is it the Message, or the Men?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post

My point is that focusing on the message allows us to examine it objectively. Focusing on men, especially those we feel we need to cowtow to, pushes us to become subjective and accommodating about the message. This reaches it's extreme with Lee. His message is not questioned among LCers because of his reputation, not because the message itself is airtight.

Do you have anything to say about that? Because that's what the thread is really about.
The problem is, it's not a church. You might as well go through the messages and manuals of Amway or Nuskin or Philip Morris and point out how unbiblical they are. By arguing their half-baked theology we are simply accepting the premise that they are Christians, that they are a church. But really, the only evidence they are a church is that they say they are.

The whole LSM/local church thing is a scam to support Lee book sales. People pay HK$100 per head to watch a crappy DVD of a conference. They line up to buy the weekly books. Each member must recruit two more members every year and they do it with pride, spiritual pride. LSM's onto a good thing. It even gets tax breaks by calling its sales promotions "missionary work". But don't confuse it with a church, however, just because it calls itself a church and bases its "product" around the bible. Would you bother trying to discredit Peter Popoff's miracle spring water using biblical arguments?
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