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Old 03-12-2014, 11:55 AM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Is it the Message, or the Men?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
He was the encourager of the people of the 60s. He was not revered as the MOTA, but some began to suggest "apostle" by the early 70s. I heard it in early 73. The rest is history. Daystar. Max. Run Max off. Lawsuits. Like being exalted. Run off Ingalls, Mallons, and others. Insist that your sexual predator son be the head of your ministry and direct how churches run their affairs.
In the initial post Igzy said, "Yet, clearly from their behavior they feel they cannot carry out their mission of preserving the principles unique to their movement without also preserving as pristine the reputations of their founders. "

Part of the preservation is minimizing of "brothers who were ran off". In recent messages I have heard them disingenously referred to as "heroes".

Character of former elders were bismirched in order to preserve reputations of the founders.
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