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Old 03-12-2014, 11:29 AM   #13
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Default Re: Is it the Message, or the Men?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The flip side is this: Any party which tries to sell some person as the greatest minister of the age, or the sole authority, or the one we all need to defer to above all others, has an agenda other than God's. They might not think they do, but they do. For all their claims about being for the eternal purpose of God, the LC is really about something else. They just need to wake up to that fact.
The LC's saints are among some of the most devoted, and know how to present all the good things of God in their possession to their new guests. Problems surface when new visitors get wind of what really is stressed at LSM, like this MOTA nonsense. Guests hear about "autonomous" local churches, and then quickly learn how much influence Anaheim has over the church.

Contradictions such as these, and there are many more like them, smell like hypocrisy and dishonesty, and they are. This is why Lee's influence can never go far. As much as Lee and company has tried to keep their dirty laundry from sight, it's too late. If you wanted to rightly maintain such an honorable and upright image for all to see and thus receive your ministry, then like my mom told me, "you should have thought about it before you did all those bad things."
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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