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Old 03-12-2014, 09:16 AM   #8
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Default Re: Is it the Message, or the Men?

So, to my point, the question is, what is the Local Church movement trying to achieve?

If indeed they want to spread their message, it would seem that the way to do so would be to package it for consumption for the audience they wish to reach. To get the message out in reader-friendly and viewer-friendly form, in a way that is as attractive and non-threatening as possible and then let it assimilate into the mainstream as it may. If their message is as good at they seem to think, then it will, eventually, have a definite impact on the Church at large. This cannot, assuming the message is good, be a bad thing.

(Honestly, this ship probably already sailed. The LC's reputation is so suspect, that any attempt to package for the masses would be met with extreme suspicion, especially if they included some of their more suspect and self-serving teachings. Even so, if they really wished to help the Church at large, and they should, this is what they would be focusing on, rather than lawsuits and chest-thumping and singing their own praises.)

But, unfortunately, it seems the LC is really not that interested in influencing the Church at large. Or in being happy with having some influence. Rather, they seem bent on maintaining the status quo and protecting the reputations of Nee and Lee as the unique spokesmen of God, to the goal of maintaining the distinction between themselves and everyone else. That is, their goal is to maintain their little kingdom.

Again, I think God had some things to tell the Church through Nee, and even Lee. But they became power-hungry and self-serving. Now their whole movement is that way. The LC feels the need to be top dog, and everything is about them.
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