Originally Posted by Igzy
In other words, the movement thinks beyond any doubt that many of the spiritual principles they uphold, which they see as neglected in other Christian groups, are absolutely crucial to God achieving what he desires to achieve. Thus they see themselves as stewards of these things.
The problem is, the LC for some reason also feels that the defense of Nee and Lee is essential to carrying out their mission. Probably if pressed they would not want to admit that protecting Nee's and Lee's reputations is part of their mission. Yet, clearly from their behavior they feel they cannot carry out their mission of preserving the principles unique to their movement without also preserving as pristine the reputations of their founders.
The question I have is, Why do they feel this way?
The failures of all these great men of God in the Bible also points us to the fact that God the Father is jealous over His Son. He alone is perfect, holy, and righteous. He will not allow His Son to have any rivals in His household. That glory will not be shared with fallen man. For eternity it will be known that His Son is the Redeeming Lamb, and we all are the redeemed sinners.
The apostles understood this all too clearly after the resurrection of the Christ. When men attempted to uplift them, they quickly said, "we too are men." (Peter in Acts 10.26; Paul in Acts 14.15) The church in Corinth, though not revering the apostles as "gods," still uplifted them beyond what was pleasing to God, saying "I am of such-and-such man." Paul hammered home the point that we boast in no man but the Lord, (I Cor. 1.30, 3.21-23) and that the apostles are as nothing compared to Him. (I Cor. 1.13; 3.6-7)
Nee and Lee taught these same things, yet did not practice what they preached. Within their little circle of Christians, they were absolutely preeminent. Their handlers presented them alone as flawless spokesmen for God on earth. Within their local churches, their ministries rose above the word of God. All other ministers were flawed, substandard, and degraded -- and worthy of censure. Theirs alone must be revered as God's speaking in the present day.
Thus they must be perfect, and without failure. It is inconceivable that the morals of these men could be on the same level as their contemporaries. Without being elevated beyond all Christian coevals, lavished with such titles as the MOTA, the acting God, deputy authority, today's Paul, etc., everything they have ministered would be held up to examination, and much of it would collapse like a house of cards.