"Absolute submission" are two words that come close but don't explain clearly the dynamic at work in such a structure of leadership. I'm trying to say that there was a structure in place that gave the devil the way to exercise evil control over people. The level of control was totally dependent upon the degree of submission. The submission was not instantly something "absolute," but that is what the enemy was working towards behind the scenes and seeking to achieve over time.
When people become convinced that they need to give their loyalty to a hierarchy of men who teach particular teachings, they have taken another master. Did we all do this? No. I don't think so. Did those in leadership who had already taken such a master want this kind of submission from everyone? Yes. I think so. Again, all of this is the enemy at work among us. He is very happy to have us on a slow boat to bondage.
Originally Posted by Ohio
Based on all I know at this point, the best and safest course of action for the abused is to leave and find healing in the Lord. Probably the (continued) experience of abuse reinforces the fact that there is no one else nearby who can adequately "protect" the abused. Down the road, if the anointing directs you to write or make contact with an abuser, then the steps taken should be slow and careful. All the ones I know have taken this course.
I totally agree with you on this. Once abused, you no longer have the tools to work with. You have to get better over time and go the slow route as God helps you heal. Others who have recovered from abuse can help.
In my opinion, all that has been talked about on this thread is for our learning. It’s just like women today who are learning that they do not have to submit to violent husbands. Women in my mother’s day did not know this and there were no people talking about this. Many women suffered immensely in silence. Today is different because there is a wealth of information and many people and organizations available to help.
We are here talking about abuse in a Christian setting. I think this is much more rampant than we realize. If more people have an understanding of what allows spiritual bullies to operate among Christians and learn how to say “NO,” instead of trying to be “Christian,” abuse can be curbed. Our discussion is on a little thread, in one little corner of a bigger forum, on a great big internet--but God tells us not to despise the day of small things.
Originally Posted by Ohio
I know you will say, "someone should speak up!" Even such a one as George Muller in his prime, nearly succumbed to the power of Darby and his minions. The gifted and scholarly B.W.Newton in Plymouth had already been overcome by Darby's overwhelming onslaughts. When Darby could not "conquer" Newton in the brothers' meetings, Darby took the battle public, persuading the minds of the congregation. Slowly almost all of Newton's supporters took to Darby's side. Imagine the pressure Muller faced a few yers later. Some in his own congregation were against him.
Originally Posted by Ohio
Brothers like JND and TC and BP and WL are powerful men indeed. Their natural talents far outweigh my own. They have great ability to help many and to hurt many. Each of them have done much of both. Hence, some saints love them and some saints hate them. Many saints just can't come to grips with this great paradox. How could they be both good and bad? The facts of history confirm what I say.
My point has always been that they don't need to act this way. This behavior does not show largeness of heart. They were only hurting their own ministry. The Apostle Paul was not a patten to us in this way.
No, I don’t say speak up ... the Bible does

. But again, the speaking up needs to be done
before abuse takes place. It is preventative. As Christians, we need to learn to speak up before we let someone hit us with a 2x4. Satan has used a wrong understanding and application of “Christian” teachings about mercy, forgiveness, love, gentleness, meekness, turning the other cheek, etc. among believers to create environments where he can cause brother to abuse brother with both in agreement with the process! I have said to someone (a Christian) who was very abusive to me in my extended family, “You want me to be Jesus to you, so you can be the devil to me.” That’s a little blunt but it took me many years to say it. That is why I love the Matthew 18 verses that I so often refer to. In them, Jesus gave us the tools to address abusers who are our brothers and also the way, in good conscience, to remove ourselves from the reach of the abuser if they won’t stop. There is no hierarchy involved in these verses. We are all just brothers addressing family problems.
One of the hardest things for me my last ten years in the LC, was that I had nowhere to turn for help. I read Matthew 18, but my misunderstanding of “tell it to the church” blocked my ability to obey. My Bible said, “Tell it to the elders.” Well, duh, it was them who did it! Door closed. Now I understand "tell it to the church" means exactly that. Tell it to all those believers who know you and also the offending party, who can help the offender hear by also talking to them.
If we are blessed to be with other believers who understand the powerful protection the Lord gave all of us in verses like these, and who understand the fact that we are not to ever, ever, lord it over another human being as if we were God, and that we are not to submit to any kind of hierarchy that can interfere in any way in our personal obedience to Christ and His pure Word, then there is hope that the enemy’s ability to set up an abusive environment can be stopped.
Thankful Jane