Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-30-2008, 02:16 PM   #660
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
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Originally Posted by blessD View Post
I really want an escape from debate and politics when it comes to spirtual things. When I open my Bible, I want to quit thinking so hard and SIMPLY enjoy and be enlightened. The same goes for when I write on this forum. I have considered that maybe I should just read and not post... ? don't know... just thinking 'out loud'...
Yup, that's about what I've been doing -- read and not post so much. I'm not looking to score any points for one side or another. I'm tired of so many "sides".

I came to the churches because that was where I found so many who knew and loved the Lord. The main stream denominations that I knew about didn't have much to offer in terms of experience or doctrine.

I got a lot of help from the experiential teachings of WL and Titus (though I pretty much held to the systematic theology from Dallas Theological Seminary).

I am disappointed (but not altogether surprised) that things have turned out so poorly. I am still struggling with baby and bathwater questions:

What to keep?
What to throw out? and
How to go on from here?

Ps 66:12 Thou didst make men ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; Yet Thou didst bring us out into a place of abundance.
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