Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-30-2008, 12:28 PM   #657
Thankful Jane
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Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
A.N.Groves, whom I believe was the original and most spiritual of the Plymouth Brethren, once wrote a long prophetic letter to J.N.Darby warning him of this. He addressed so many issues the LC's also face. On this matter he concluded, "[/the most narrow-minded and bigoted will rule, because his conscience and cannot and will not give way, and therefore the more enlarged heart must yield." Darby never took his fellowship. Less than a decade later, the Brethren were divided, the blessing was over.

One exception in history did take place in Bristol. Darby, "the Diligent," the hot-tempered Irishman, ran into a German, a man of God, with the resolve of steel, and child-like faith, who clung to the scriptures, who had the courage and the audacity to stand up to Darby, "the Bully." Darby came to town, pushing people around, and he said "No." His name was George Muller. He loved orphans more than programs.
Thanks for sharing this, Ohio. It says a lot.

“Darby came to town, pushing people around.” I don’t think Darby just woke up one day and decided he would be the boss. This started somewhere in seed form and grew. When he began to think more highly of himself than he should and began thinking he had the right to tell others what to do, he was on the slippery slope. When those gathered around him supported his belief, the fallout from going down that slope became much worse. The brethren movement started with all involved on the same level as brothers in Christ and no thoughts of hierarchy.

The strength of George Mueller was his “resolve of steel” and “child-like faith” and that he “clung to the scriptures.” This is what we are all called to be like. He loved God and put Him above all else. Darby could not lord it over him because Mueller was serving God only. He treated Darby as an equal, which he was, not a superior. It appears that God was faithful to warn Darby through A. N. Groves’ speaking and through Meuller’s example.

Thankful Jane

Last edited by Thankful Jane; 08-30-2008 at 12:57 PM.
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