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Old 02-18-2014, 04:58 AM   #18
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Default Re: Witness Lee's failures a blessing in disguise?

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Remember the 1990 Canon marketing add "Image is Everything"? Same applied to Witness Lee. On the pulpit, Lee's image came across as a very spiritual brother who lived very little in the soul and very much in spirit.
I remember when PSRP began in the mid-90's. When it was first introduced at a Lord's Day meeting in my locality, I could sense a collective "air coming out of the ballons". Yet collectively, we all went along with it even if the feeling of the Body was otherwise.
Everything that I mention ends in the middle of 1987. After that we were gone. Didn't have it in front of us to think about.

And we treated it as being about our need and didn't try to think about how it might have been the lack (and need) of the whole thing. In fact, I did not really question so much until someone who had no connection with the LRC, along with my sister-in-law (who was in the church way back), introduced us to three books. The Thread of Gold, The God Men, and a seminary dissertation. That was followed shortly by finding the Berean forum. All in about 2005.

Still, even in the early days, it was more about the things that people did than the teachings that allowed it. But that began to change a couple of years later. I think that I first realized the theological errors around November 2007 (about the time my mother died). I realized that "God's economy" was an excuse to delay righteousness. But only recently I saw the truth about Deputy Authority — a teaching that refused righteousness when leadership became unrighteous. Now I see that it was written by someone who was creating the scenario in which he could never lose his powerful position in the church no matter how evil and wrong for the "job" he was.

And Lee pushed a Trojan horse through its gate.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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