Originally Posted by OBW
How many times did we fail to balk for more than a few seconds at some of the ridiculous things that Lee said? Why did we let him do it? Because we thought he could see it all. That he was really that spiritual and smart. And we were just too pathetically ignorant to even ask the question and expect an answer besides "because I said so."
I know personally that I looked to others around me for confirmation, and I never heard anything that should cause me to "balk" or take alarm.
During the chaos of the so-called rebellion of the late 80's, we in the GLA were kept "sheltered" from what was happening in Anaheim. After the Winter Training in Irving in 1988, I went to the elders' meetings in Irving. I was initially shocked how crazy it had become. Witness Lee was speaking almost belligerently, challenging those who apparently had complaints about the current direction of the recovery. I was caught off-guard, but was all wide-eyed about the discussion.
I was sitting near a brother which was highly respected in the region, Chuck Debelek of Cleveland. He turned around and commented to us that "Brother Lee is exercising his apostolic authority." With such a confirmation from one so highly regarded, and in the absence of contradictory evidence, I immediately threw in my support for Witness Lee.
Perhaps others of you disregarded "warning signs," but at the time, I did not. I guess I was too "pathetically ignorant."